Wow, wonderful essay! Thank you for writing this! I have been wanting to read a biography of Emily Dickinson. Is there one you would recommend?

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Hi Michelle - glad you liked it. I have read several books on Emily and visited her home in Amherst, so I have pieced her together that way. The first book I read was rather tedious in style, but it will always be 'the one' because it is where I first met her. It had a lot of different interesting facts sandwiched between some boring stretches, and introduced me to the people who helped shape Emily's thinking. It is called: Emily Dickinson by Richard B. Sewall. The second, by Marta McDowell is a shear delight. It is called "Emily Dickinson's Gardening Life". Beautifully written, it fleshed out Emily's personality more. I loved this one! I also had an amazing tour guide when we visited the Homestead in Amherst a couple of March's ago. It was here I saw so many of the things I had read about and heard new stories. I even sat on her stairs! I hope this helps.

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Sep 12Liked by Denise Trull

Ah, thank you so much for these great details. You've inspired me to not only read the books you've recommended but also visit Emily's home in Amherst some time soon. Thank you.

Your essay made me feel like I was right there with Emily and her dear sister.

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