Jul 8Liked by Denise Trull

The pictures are just beautiful in this book. I have all the Theology of the Home books and love them all. I treated myself to this one as a holiday read (for us in Australia it is long holiday time at Christmas). Just before this I had also read Christie Purifoy's A Home in Bloom and felt that God was hinting at me to enjoy his flowers and bring them into the home.

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Yes, they are a treat! I have not heard of A Home in Bloom! I will need to look that up. What is your favorite flower? I am thinking Australia must have some beauties all its own!

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Jul 9Liked by Denise Trull

I am afraid I am very boring and love my David Austin roses, which grow very well here in our cooler climate. We do have some lovely natives with a subtle beauty of their own. We have many wattle trees and bottle brushes in the garden, and the wattles tend to come out around my birthday :) It doesn't t grow around here, but the Christmas bush is a real beauty.

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Jul 14Liked by Denise Trull

So excited to read this book! I too have read the first three ToH books and loved them!

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Jul 10Liked by Denise Trull

Both you and Emily bring the magic of beauty into our lives.

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Jul 9Liked by Denise Trull

Thank you for reminding to look for simple beauty all around me each day

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I love all the Theology of the Home books. I love this one especially as I don’t have the first clue about flower arrangements.

I believe I may have discovered you via the emails from ToTH.

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