Denise, you are the most lovely writer and clearly such a wonderful mother. I wish I’d been that young mom at the park, lucky enough to get advice from you!!!

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Dear Denise, thank you for this. I am not a home schooler, but there was much in this article I could do for my child. More like this, please and thank you!

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Thank you for sharing such sound and wise advice. Homeschooling is indeed a great blessing, the fruits of which continue to astound me and make me evermore thankful for the graces Our Lord bestows on us.

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Love your sharing re home schooling. Wish we had kids but how lucky are your children for having you as their teacher. They must be wonderful, grounded kids with beautiful hearts. God bless you, Denise.

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Wonderful essay Denise! I just linked it to my "Unconformed Education" post from earlier this week as recommended further reading :)

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Thank you so much, Ruth! Your post is wonderful!

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Happy to have discoverd your as well :)!

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after reading this line: "You will begin to question yourself. " I started laughing because it seemed that all your questions added more questions and I am sure there are still more to come. Thank you for all your good advice and lists and questions.

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I was homeschooled myself and I began homeschooling my kindergartener this week. Thanks for this wonderful list! I appreciate the balanced perspective you bring. I will definitely take to heart your advice not to announce to my kids that anything is educational!

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Have a wonderful year! ❤️

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