Your radical (in the best possible way) perspective of this whole journey felt like a big bear hug in and of itself as I read your words. What could be a time focused on worry and self-pity, deservedly so, instead you have cultivated love, light, gratitude and even joy through your experience. What a beautiful grace and gift! Praying for you as you continue to endure all that lies ahead, maintaining your CAN DO attitude. And God Bless Dr. R and all who are walking alongside you - with really cool socks - on your path back to full health!

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Thank you for the prayers, Deanne! ❤️

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What a beautiful read. Thank you. 🙏🏻

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Prayers continue, Denise! So brave and strong…taking one day, one hour at a time! Thanks for sharing such positive inspiration!

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Thank you, Marcy!

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Once again I was drawn in from beginning to end. And William Morris socks?! How fantastic! I will be praying often for this journey, Denise—that our Lord, who plays in ten thousand places, would daily walk beside you, whisper His love, and give you His courage!

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Thank you, Bettyjean!

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God knew what he was doing when he placed Dr. R in your path! We continue to pray for you, Dr. R and all on this journey of cancer.

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You have been in my prayers since I first learned of your diagnosis. Please let Dr. R know that he has been added to my list.

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I was at the garden today, keeping an eye out for a kindly lady in Doc Martens...maybe wearing a William Morris sling bag or something...but didn't see her. Maybe one day...

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I’m following your stories closely, gleaning whatever I can as I start my own chemo treatments on Monday, 4 weeks after my surgery. So far, as you have noticed, it’s been nothing like all the scenarios I had imagined. Be assured of my continued prayers for your full and complete recovery!

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Thank you, Clare! I will add you to my daily rosary. ❤️

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I smiled at the Morris connection. God does work in mysterious ways, doesn't he? Prayers sent your way Denise.

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Thank you, Tania! ❤️

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Praying for you on your journey 💕

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Praying for you daily, and now for Dr. R as well. I am so sorry for all the bad things this diagnosis has brought for you, but grateful for your sharing your journey and the unforeseen beautiful parts.

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Denise, I have come to love you in a very short time, less than a year, of reading your writings. How blessed I feel to know you now, and how fervently I am praying for you. I am going to share this post with my CNA daughter in nursing school, as well as my priest son. Both will benefit from it greatly. Bless you.

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I am including you in my daily Lenten Rosary.

God bless you. 🙏

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Thank you so much!!!

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thank you for remembering the Philly Steak Sandwich, one of my favorites. and as a tv junkie, I want to know Where is Dr. House when you need him. He had a way of seeking solutions to the problems that came to him and his students.

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Love your heart and courage so.

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Ahh, thank you, Emily! 🥰

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